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The Kettle Pond Writers’ Residency is committed to accommodating writers of all abilities. Basic information on accessibility at Paul Smith’s College (our venue) is below. The Kettle Pond staff want to make your week with us as seamless and inspiring as possible so please be in touch about any questions you may have.

Conference Facilities & Housing

Barrier-free access is available to all facilities Kettle Pond will utilize for conference-wide events (except the Forestry Cabin, where barrier-free accommodations can be made dependent on need). All reading, lecture, dining, social, and housing spaces, as well as the library and  recreational facilities that will be used during the conference are either entirely barrier-free, or will be so on the main floor on which the event is held. All housing for accepted writers is accessible via ramp and elevator, with barrier-free bathrooms available upon request.

Campus & Parking 

Paul Smith’s campus is relatively small, compact, and generally quite flat. Parking is free and available at the dormitories and throughout the main campus.

Other College Facilities

Paul Smith’s College has numerous recreation and other facilities our writers are welcome to use during the conference. Please see our Campus & Facilities page and our FAQ for more information on these facilities. Many, though not all, of these spaces are accessible. We are currently working to create a definitive list of accessible spaces on campus; in the meantime writers with accessibility concerns are encouraged to contact the conference directly with any questions about campus recreation and other spaces. We are working to get detailed answers for you.

Service & Support Animals

Service Animals are, of course, always welcome at Kettle Pond and in (almost*) all of the facilities used in the 2023 Residency. Appropriate vaccination documentation will be required for all Service Animals staying in campus housing. We ask that writers planning to bring Service Animals to the Residency contact our staff in advance. We will happily facilitate registration of any animals with the college, which is required for the safety of both campus staff and the animals in case of an emergency.


Support Animals may be accepted, however this is not guaranteed. The earlier we are aware of of a writer's desire to bring a Support Animal the greater the likelihood we can accommodate the request. 

Additional Accommodations

Kettle Pond aims to support every writer interested in attending the Residency. Questions about accommodations for writers whose concerns are not addressed above (i.e. deaf or hard of hearing, blind or low-vision applicants) are welcome and should be directed to Residency staff. We are expanding our default accommodations all the time, and will do everything in our power to make our community work for you along the way.


*In the past we have employed and admitted writers with very serious animal allergies. While writers with Service Animals are more than welcome at the Residency and in campus housing, some changes to housing assignments may be made to ensure the safety of any attending writers with allergy concerns. Outside of Residency Registration, no scheduled events will be held in campus housing (except the Wednesday Staff House Reception, which can easily move venues, if need be). We understand (and hope!) our writers will form creative and professional bonds throughout the week, and may want to visit and spend time together outside of formal events, but Kettle Pond cannot guarantee Service Animals will be able to access campus housing facilities other than those they are assigned. 

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