Kettle Pond is committed to offering need-based fellowship assistance whenever possible to writers who would otherwise be unable to attend. The amount of financial assistance awarded will vary based on the need of the writer applying. ​
Fellowships at Kettle Pond are not intended to serve as measures of prestige or to reflect the merit of a writer’s work, but are meant to expand and strengthen our writing community by creating greater access. Requests for assistance should be made according to what the writer is able to pay to attend. All funding will be awarded in the form of a partial tuition waiver. ​
We respectfully ask all fellowship applicants to be candid and thoughtful in their requests for financial support to ensure we are able to support as many writers as possible. We are self-funded (not a non-profit, and independent from both institutional obligations, and support). The candor of our fellowship applicants contributes to the longevity of our project, creative health of our community, and our ability to appropriately support our staff, as we plan around our resources year to year. ​
We encourage all applying writers to submit their Fellowship Applications as close to their primary conference applications as possible. Kettle Pond has simplified the application process this year and is eliminating a separate deadline for funding; however, early applications for assistance increase the likelihood of a fellowship offer. As with offers of acceptance to the conference, 2024 fellowships will be awarded, and applicants will be notified, on a rolling basis.
We have just wrapped up our 2024 conference and all applications are currently closed. Conference dates and applications deadlines for Kettle Pond '25 will be posted in the fall.